Fabric Selection & Cutting Instructions
Here are the colors we will be working with today:
Swatch | Cutting Instructions |
- Cut 2 strips @ 1.5" x WOF then cut it into strips as follows:
- 2 - 4.50"
- 2 - 3.75"
- 2 - 3.25"
- 2 - 2.75"
- 2 - 2.25"
Cut 2 strips @ 2.0" x WOF then cut it into strips as follows:
Cut 2 strips @ 1.5" x WOF then cut it into strips as follows:
- 1 - 2.75"
- 1 - 4"
- 1 - 5"
- 1 - 6"
- 1 - 7"
1 @ 1.5" x 2.0" |
Block Assembly
Each of the rows of the tree will be assembled in the following manner:
Take 2.75" strip of green fabric, and attach the two 4.50" WOW strips to each corner as you would to create the mitered joint of a border/binding. That is, sew a diagonal line from one corner of the wow to the opposite side where it meets the corner of the green fabric. The inner corners of the WOW will overlap, forming a 1/4" seam allowance. (This will insure that you have a point on top of the tree after you sew the rows together.)See the diagram below:
Trim the seam allowances for each side to 1/4". Press the WOW strips back onto the green strip. Your strip should now look like this:
Repeat the steps above to create the remaining 4 rows of the tree section:
- Sew the 2 - 3.75" WOW strips to the 4" green strip
- Sew the 2 - 3.25" WOW strips to the 5" green strip
- Sew the 2 - 2.75" WOW strips to the 6" green strip
- Sew the 2 - 2.25" WOW strips to the 7" green strip
Sew the 4.0" x 2.0" WOW strips to either side of the 1.5" x 2.0" brown fabric. Then sew this to the bottom of the tree section.
Sew the remaining 8.5" x 2.0" WOW strips to the top and bottom of the tree section.
Your Finished Block: