Easy HST Instructions
Fabric | Measurement & Quantity |
1 - 4 5/8" squares 6 - 3.5" squares |
5 - 3.5" squares |
1 - 3.5" squares 2 - 4 3/8" squares |
Make the Half Square Triangles
- Draw a diagonal line from one corner to another on the back of the 3.5" white squares.
- Put the white square right sides together with the red 3.5" square
- Sew 1/4" away from the line on both sides of the diagonal line. See the following diagram:

- Cut down the center, diagonal line
- Press seams towards darker fabric, in this case the red. (Be sure to first press the HST closed to set the stitches into the seam.)
- Using the 45° angle on your ruler (6" square rulers work great for this), align the 45° line along the diagonal seam. Trim the square down to 3" square. (I usually do a little off each side, but if you sew better than me, align the most "square" portion of your HST with the 3" horizontal and vertical lines and you can trim off the excess and have a perfect square.)
- Repeat the steps above for the navy square.
- You should now have 2 - Navy/white & 10 - Red/white completed Half Square Triangles.
- Take the 4 5/8" white square and cut it in half diagonally twice so you now have 4 - quarter square triangles.
- Take the 2 4 3/8" navy squares and cut them in half once each on the diagonal.
Square Assembly
Using the following diagrams, assemble the HST and triangles in rows, pressing seam allowances in opposite directions from row to row. *Please note: The diagram below has been set on point for ease of construction but the block will be set straight when finished.
Row 1 |
Row 2 |
Row 3 |
Row 4 |
Row 5 |
Finished Block
Your completed block should look like this:

Suggested layout with 9 blocks and inner/outer borders:

Actual Sewn Block
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