Block Patterns
Click on the Image to launch the pattern.
 Patriotic Spinning Star Wallhanging |
 Friendship Star |
 Outhouse |
 O' Christmas Tree |
 Insideout Block |
 My First Paper Piece Block! Great for a potholder! |
Quilted Patterns
Click on the Image to launch the pattern.
 ThinkPink Hearts |
 O' Christmas Tree Wallhanging |
 Steps and Landings |
 Memories for Mother Wallhanging |
 Quick 'N Easy Wallet |
 Grandmother's Colorwheel Pattern |
 Trick-Or-Treat Bags (2 sizes) |
 Hugs & Kisses (with 30's Repro Fabrics) |
 Churndash Placemats |
 Here is a little purse, great for the young girl, or just a small carry around for you (make the strap longer). Perfect use for those ripped up jeans that you were about to toss. |